Thursday, November 27, 2008

Welcome to our blog!

Since Joe and I have moved to Pittsburgh my thoughts have been turned more and more to my family and friends back in Utah and how the connection I have with them is so important to me. I have realized that that connection is all that matters in life it's what makes life worth living. I am always wanting to send emails and pictures to let you all know how we are and what we are doing but sending pictures can make email sizes too big and then sometimes I end up leaving some people off the email list or sending info to people twice. So in an effort to reach out to all of you from Pittsburgh I decided to create a blog. Plus I think this blog will be more fun and self expressive that just plain old email (not that email is bad - I love it when I get email from any of you so keep it coming!).

It makes me happy seeing pictures and knowing what people are doing so I want this blog to do that for all our family and friends that we can't see everyday. I love all of you so much and can't wait to visit in December!



Ann Marie said...

So glad you have a blog...unfortunately I'm viewing it from Mom's computer which doesn't display the text looks like some sort of symbolic language. But the pictures and the layout are great!

Unknown said...

Hi Guys,

The Blog looks great, and your Thanksgiving looked like fun.

I miss you both and cannot wait to see you.

Love, Abe

Dianne said...

Hurray for people who know how to use a computer!!!! Pictures are the best and so is the explanation. Now we can be more connected.