Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Honey Walnut Bread - Walnuts = Honey Bread

I made this honey walnut bread recipe, but since walnuts are super expensive and the budget is tight I improvised and omitted the walnuts. The result was honey bread...and it is delicious! You know when you have a slice of homemade bread, and its so good that you have one more slice, and then just one more, and before you know it you have eaten half the loaf in one sitting? Ya, it's that kind of bread. Homemade honey bread feels like the perfect way to kick off the fall:). Thank you to Mama Peck for giving me the Star Spangled Recipes Volume II cook book which is where I got the recipe.


Dianne said...

Marie, That is a Wonderful loaf of homemade bread. I have yet to make a loaf that has risen as much as yours. Mine seem to stay about 1 1/2 inches tall. You are a natural. I bet Joseph didn't mind not having the walnuts, or does he like them now? I've been thinking the same now that we are getting some cold, even snow in the mountains today---home made cooking. I wish I could have a slice or two.

The Graters said...

Marie...send me the recipe. That looks delish!!