Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So I feel like a million things have happened since I last posted. I will give you a mini update of the last month. Just a warning - this post will be long.

On July 23rd Joe and I celebrated our 6th anniversary.

I woke up that morning to find a bouquet of balloons and a card (Joe had ordered the balloons the night before and picked them up at 6:30 am so they would be there when I woke up...how thoughtful is that!?!)
That night he surprised me with a single rose and some white potted mums and we enjoyed drinks and dessert at Lydia's (an Italian restaurant in the Strip District - BEST cheescake I have ever had!). After dessert we saw Transformers at the theater; it was quite romantic:)

On July 31st I flew to Utah for two weeks to visit family. Joe wasn't able to come and was greatly missed:(, but I had a great time playing and hanging out with family.

We started the trip off with an afternoon at the pool (Abe & Alec).

Me and Vanessa

It was a real treat to visit with my Grandma Maxine (my mom's mom). She is 88, and besides being weak she is in pretty good health. It's nice to talk with someone who has seen that many years; I hope I soaked up some of her wisdom just by being in her presence! I love you Grandma! (me, Grandma C, mom)

Much hanging out happened at Mama Sant's house....Calvin and Abe just chillaxin':)

One afternoon we had a girls lunch with all the girlies who could make it from the Sant family and the Peck family. It was so nice to be together and bask in our womaness...yay for women! (left to right: Madelyn (my mom), me, Dianne (Joe's mom), Mia, Rachel, Liz)

I spent an afternoon in South Weber visiting Jen and her cute family. (Jen, Dianne, Me)

It was great to see Eden, Jeremiah and Seth. They are all growing into such unique people.

Getting a tour of Jen's garden.

Seth was pretty happy about his chocolate from Grandama Peck.

We went camping in the Uintas for a few days. Besides the fact that it was FA-REEZING we had a wonderful time. It is such beautiful land - it feeds my soul to be in the mountains.

Making breakfast in the frosty morning. (Abe, Alec, Stu, Rachel, me)

Sadie getting her 'Camp' on.

-the weins came, well Sadie and Simon anyway, Heidi is way too ancient to go camping.

Simon posing, waiting for someone to throw his tennis ball. He seriously will sit like that for twenty minutes until someone throws his ball.

The men trying to make fire without matches.

it didn't work but they put in a good hour of effort.

The Grater family...cute parents to be! (Rachel, sweet potater Grater, Stu)

The trip was a mad success!

We celebrated Al's 60th birthday. Con grates Al on turning 60! In the words of Nacho Libre "You are the z-best!"

Mom and Al. Thanks mom and Al for throwing such nice parties at your house:).

We celebrated

my 30th birthday with another pool party:).

Thanks again to mom and everyone for a wonderful birthday! (Megan, Dallin, Abraam, Calvin, AJ, Rachel, Stu, Vanessa, Alec, Me....we missed you Joe!!!)

Saying goodbye super early at Cracker Barrell. Thanks families for a wonderful retreat to Utah. I love you all!

I was also able to visit with my good friend Mindy while I was in Utah but unfortunately I didn't get a picture - love you Mind!

As soon as I got home to Pittsburgh Joe and I celebrated my birthday. PART ONE: was the Sunday before my birthday.

We went shoe shopping (yay for shoes!)

And out to dinner at a cafe called Kiva Han.

PART TWO: on my birthday -

We had ice cream cake. Joe got me balloons and wrote me the sweetest birthday card that has ever been written in the history of sweet birthday cards:). Thanks love for a memorable b-day!

We moved the Saturday after I got home from Utah so I only had one week to pack our apartment. And it wasn't until the day before our scheduled move that we around to it. Good thing it only ended up taking us 2 1/2 hours to pack up everything. And it only took us 3 1/2 hours to move our stuff and unload it the next day. I think our move will go down in history as the fastest move that ever was. It pays to not have any stuff!

Packing up the bathroom.

Old living room...packing in progress.

Stopping to take apart the couch just long enough for a sweet pose!

Joe and Shawn unloading the moving truck.

the new living room.

Cleaning and filling the fridge.

Joe wanted to keep the kitchen arranged just like this - after much marital compromising we decided we would at least clear a larger walkway:).

It is so nice to have the move done and to be settling in - I love our new apartment. So that was the end of my summer in a quick overview, thanks for sticking through the whole post. I will post finished apartment pictures when I get around to taking them. Bye for now:).


Ann Marie said...

whoa! busy indeed! it was good to see all those photos...looks like your utah trip was great!

Dianne said...

Yes, good photos and an idea of what your new apartment looks like. I wonder if Joseph posted what he did this summer, it would be the same picture--sitting at his computer, studying. Oh yeah, and maybe a bike ride. Correct? Congratulations on finishing the first part of your boards!

The Graters said...

Hi Marie and Joe!! Your blog is so cute and funny. Those pictures of your Utah trip made me smile so big. It was wonderful seeing you for so long. That one of Simon posing like that is awesome, you're right he would do that all day if that's how long it took for someone to throw his ball. :) Good job Joe with the many b-day celebrations for Marie - and I LOVE the b-day song! And your new apartment looks nice. I like the huge window next to the fridge, and I especially like how you organized the kitchen...wink-wink. All that stuff piled up where you can find it so easily. ;) You two are z-bayst! I love you. Oh and P.S. I felt the baby move, don't know if you already knew that. :D We find out the gender on the 16th. I'll keep you posted.

Mike and Madelyn said...

What a great post! Love all the pictures, and happy late birthday! Looks like you had a fabulous one. So glad you guys are closer so we can see you more--like random encounters at costco :)

Unknown said...
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Marie said...

thanks for the comments - it's good to hear from everyone!