Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Time to down shift...

Today I realized that I need to slow down. Not that I am doing too much in my everyday life but my energy in the moment is rushed. I need to slow not my doing but my being. My realization came this morning when I was giving Joe a ride to school. We were driving down a hill where two pedestrians were crossing at the bottom. I didn't slow my speed at all as we neared them because I could see that they would be out of the way in time. As I had expected, they had moved to the right just enough that I could continue in my lane with my speed uninterrupted. Joe looked at me with a questioning look as if to say "don't you thing that was maybe cutting it a little close". He then asked if I was in a hurry. Without hesitating I started to say that I wasn't in a hurry; but I had to stop a moment because even though I knew my situation wasn't one that called for rushing, emotionally I felt VERY rushed. And I realized that I feel this way a lot of the time. Why am I always in such a hurry with what I am doing? Rushing to get some where or finish a project? Where am I headed? Never will there ever be a time when I have reached a final destination with no where else to go. The errands and jobs will NEVER all be done. So maybe finishing and arriving isn't the point, since neither can ever be achieved. The ebb and flow of the moment must be the point. Not rushing myself to a finish line but being fully involved in what I am doing in this moment. I couldn't help thinking the whole time I was writing this how much the earth is a perfect example of being in tune with the moment. The earth never rushes, it moves when movement is needed and other times stands perfectly still. Maybe that is why being in nature is so rejuvenating, it resets our internal pace makers. So I say it is time for me to take a deep breath (maybe 10), and settle into the moment. It has already made me feel calmer and better about today!


tiffany and darren said...

Wow! You read my thoughts. I feel the same way!! This morning I thought about it when I was waiting for the bus. I knew when it would come, but I still stomped my foot wanting it to hurry. I stopped and took a deep breath and tried to just enjoy being alive at that moment. I often have to remind myself to do this. Life is so much more enjoyable and memorable when you can focus on the present.

Mike and Madelyn said...

I think so many people have a problem rushing (especially women, why is that?) and you described it so perfectly! It was refreshing to read and I feel a new resolve to enjoy the moment, instead of focusing on the end of whatever it is I want to end. I agree with T for sure, life is waaaay better when you live in the present. Thanks for blogging about this Marie!

Ann Marie said...

AMEN! I love a slow pace...and you said it so perfectly. oh, the earth! i know i may come off sounding like a sci-fi nerd-o, BUT that is why i love the Ents in Lord of the Rings so much...their motto is "do not be hasty" and they are so SLOW in all they do. blah, blah, blah. i'll stop now.